Furcadia Sonic Roleplaying Wiki

Second Millander Invasion





Southern Desert Windy Valley


Rebel Victory

Miland loses grip on Windy Valley



Windy Valley Freedom Fighters

Southern Desert Rebellion


King Mylen II

General Greye Galen

General Witys Galen

Francis Gryphon

Miles Milheim


290,000 Infantry

1,000 Elite Clones

40,000 Cavalry

200 Cannon

1 Airship

520,000+ Windy Valley Resistance Fighters

1,023 Desert Rebels

The Second Milander Invasion saw the introduction of Magic used by Miland to the field of battle after the devastating defeat they suffered against Acorn in the first war. They Also introduced a good 1,000 Genetically perfected Clones,They were created 20 years prior to the Second War, but weren't advanced enough to fight in the first war. each with its own combat trait. Though they all shared a 98% Invunerability to Magic. The Clones would be able to reproduce, as a few Milander women were called for the unorthodox experiment. Alot of offsprings live among the common folk still to this day. Though one of the original clones managed to break the mental strain he was born with and The desert rebellion under Miles Milheim, or clone 626 put a stop to the Cloning Program once and for all in 2040, triggering the decline of Miland Power, though not defeated permanently, they had to give up key colonies like Windy Valley. After the fall of Windy Valley, General Witys Galen joined the Rebels and governed the Desert Cities after the war until his death in 2052.
